Saturday, August 11, 2012

Burn More Calories With Boxing

Calories, calories, calories. They are those evil monsters that haunt you no matter where you go. They are in everything you eat, and if you do not watch what you eat carefully, or find an effective way to burn them, weight gain is the result.

There are many ways to burn these monsters, however, if you want to lose weight before you have to use a cane to walk, you need to find an activity that burns the most calories in the shortest amount of time. Boxing is that activity.

Boxing Misconceptions

Boxing offers a number of health benefits aside from the number of calories you can burn in one hour. However, the misconceptions associated with boxing gyms may stop you from joining one of these classes. You may imagine a group of sweaty, beastly thugs who look like they are going to rip you in half. Here is the truth: boxers are some of the nicest people you will ever meet. They are genuine, and regardless of their muscle mass, they sincerely want to help you, not hurt you.
Another misconception is the atmosphere of the gym itself. You may picture a run down building with saw dust and spit covering the floor. Truth: the gym you take your classes in are clean facilities minus the sweat dripping on the floor. And although boxing does require a bit of aggression, whether you are training for actual fights or as a means of exercise, the foundation of the sport is to learn self-control and discipline.

Boxing Versus Other Exercises

Before discussing how you burn more calories with boxing, you need to see the comparison between calories burned in one hour with boxing versus various aerobic exercises. All of these calories burned are within the same time frame of one hour. They are also based on the same weight, which does determine how many calories you burn. For this example, the average weight is 155 pounds.

A person weighing this amount will burn 900-1100 calories boxing and sparring. The same person can burn 493 calories using a stationary bike and cycling at a moderate pace. Playing tennis also burns 493, while walking uphill burns 422 calories. Vigorous weight lifting burns 422 calories, as does wrestling.

What you should keep in mind is that you must burn 3,500 calories per week to lose 1 pound; this averages 500 calories per day. The amount of calories you burn boxing for one hour definitely surpasses the amount you need to burn 1 pound per week.

Boxing Is So Beneficial

Boxers are known as some of the most elite athletes in the world. They have great endurance and some of the hardest bodies known to man. There is a reason for this, and that is their training regimen. It is this regime that burns so many calories in an hour.

For those who are training to actually participate in fights, a typical day of training includes a morning run followed by an afternoon at the gym. Here they will shadow box, do various heavy bag drills, jump rope and focus on mitt work. A few days of the week they will take part in conditioning training such as sit-ups, push-ups and weight lifting.

A Typical Workout

Nationwide Gyms like L A Boxing and UFC offer boxing classes that give you a full body workout. When you join a boxing class your training will not be this intense unless you choose it to be. Even on a lesser scale, though, these exercises involve your entire body. They are both high and low intensity, and require every muscle to be performed correctly.
A typical one hour workout would consist of the following:

· Warm Up Run
· Sprints
· Pushups
· Squats
· Scrawls
· Suicides
· Abs Training
· Sparring
· Three 3 minute rounds heavy bag work, speed bag, and shadow boxing
· Jumps and Jump Roping
· Cool Down

Another benefit of boxing is the mood soothing and stress relief it provides. This is extremely helpful if you are an emotional eater. Finding an outlet for your emotions may help control it, thus lowering the number of calories you consume while burning excess calories at the fastest rate possible.

The greatest thing about boxing is that both men and women can take part in it and burn excess calories equally. You only need to have the desire and motivation to see the results. In the process you will find that boxing is pleasurable and discover a new hobby you find yourself addicted to.

Charles Fitzgerald Butler, is a real estate professional and marketing entrepreneur who struggled with being overweight most of his life. He was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes when he turned 30 years old. During the last several years Charles has managed to lose weight and put his diabetes in remission.

Charles now promotes the Body By Vi Challenge and credits it's meal replacement shakes in helping him lose weight, transform his body, and beat diabetes. Charles spends his time helping people build their own business online and offline by promoting the Body By Vi Challenge.


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These substances contained in tea is very easily oxidized. When the leaves are exposed to sunlight, the oxidation process occurs. The type of tea that is generally known in the community is a green tea, Oolong tea (such as Java tea Oolung / Ulung), black tea and white tea. Green tea contains the most helpful as in brewing, this tea is not dried using sunlight but use special drying techniques. While other types of tea are processed by fermentation.

Polyphenols in tea such as catechins and flavanols. These compounds act as antioxidants to capture free radicals in the body are also effective in preventing the growth of cancer cells in the body. Free radicals in our bodies due to environmental air pollution and also from the food we eat.

Vitamin E
In one cup of tea contains vitamin E as much as about 100-200 IU a day which is a necessity for the human body. This amount serves to maintain heart health and make your skin smooth.

Vitamin C
This vitamin serves as an immunity or resistance to the human body. In addition, vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant necessary for the human body's resistance to disease.

Vitamin A
Vitamin A which is in the form of beta-carotene tea is a vitamin that the body needs can be met.