Thursday, August 23, 2012

4 Surprisingly Pleasant Steps to Prevent Adrenal Fatigue

The problem: Constant high-level stress and worry can trigger too much cortisol production, making us age faster, gain unwanted stomach fat, and feel too fatigued to enjoy life.
The goal: Prevent adrenal burnout and all of these emotional and physical repercussions by reducing stress.

You've probably heard tips about reducing stress before. Today, let's address some of the more unusual or surprising steps you can take to ease stress. As you'll see, good self-care is more than just another task to check off your endless to-do list--it can even be enjoyable.

A nose for calm
Aromatherapy doesn't just elevate mood. It can also come in handy for taming oversensitive stress reactions.

Your Cortisol-Busting Strategy: Some essential oils are particularly calming. Try bringing down the frantic feelings by adding essence of lavender, rose, orange, bergamot, or lemon to the bath. Or carry that sense of calm with you by dabbing it on your wrists.

Sleep tight

Do you have so much on your mind that you can't shut it off at the end of the day? High levels of cortisol at night will compromise your ability to get the recuperative sleep you need.

Your Cortisol-Busting Strategy: Start slowing down your physical and mental pace long before bedtime. Turn off all electronics earlier, incorporate some calming bedtime rituals, take a warm bath, try some chamomile tea, and listen to some music or guided imagery.

Colorful foods trump starches
Have you noticed you crave high carbohydrate foods and eat more in general during stressful periods? It's no coincidence. Cortisol production signals your brain to seek out high carbohydrate foods (after all, running away or fighting the bear takes plenty of calories!). What's more, these extra energy stores are kept in the belly so that they're close and ready for use in the next emergency.

Your Cortisol-Busting Strategy: Don't give in to the craving. Instead, relieve your hunger with flavonoid-rich foods such as berries, fruits, leafy greens, and other vibrantly colored fruits and vegetables. Not only will you skip the unnecessary carbs, flavonoids are helpful in reducin the effects of too much cortisol in your system. Good news: You don't have to deprive yourself. Flavonoids are also found in dark chocolate!

Burn off stress--and calories, too
Even if you're exercising regularly, stress can undermine weight loss efforts. That's because cortisol doesn't just make you hungrier; it also contributes to poor muscle tone and reduced muscle mass. That's double trouble because a lower metabolic rate limits the number of calories burned during your workout.

Your Cortisol-Busting Strategy: Make sure your exercise program includes muscle building activity, like lifting weights or using your own body weight, such as with pushups. Choose your exercise program carefully. If you pick a strength-builder that you look forward to doing, and you'll get double the stress-busting benefit by addressing your spirit as well as your body.
Adrenal fatigue is so common, it may be considered an epidemic. Fortunately, it does not have to be a permanent condition. Make time today to reduce your symptoms and your risk by addressing stress. Take the unnecessary strain off your adrenal glands--and whole body--through the calming steps above, and you might just find you're doing something wonderful for your mental health, too.

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These substances contained in tea is very easily oxidized. When the leaves are exposed to sunlight, the oxidation process occurs. The type of tea that is generally known in the community is a green tea, Oolong tea (such as Java tea Oolung / Ulung), black tea and white tea. Green tea contains the most helpful as in brewing, this tea is not dried using sunlight but use special drying techniques. While other types of tea are processed by fermentation.

Polyphenols in tea such as catechins and flavanols. These compounds act as antioxidants to capture free radicals in the body are also effective in preventing the growth of cancer cells in the body. Free radicals in our bodies due to environmental air pollution and also from the food we eat.

Vitamin E
In one cup of tea contains vitamin E as much as about 100-200 IU a day which is a necessity for the human body. This amount serves to maintain heart health and make your skin smooth.

Vitamin C
This vitamin serves as an immunity or resistance to the human body. In addition, vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant necessary for the human body's resistance to disease.

Vitamin A
Vitamin A which is in the form of beta-carotene tea is a vitamin that the body needs can be met.