Saturday, July 21, 2012

Information is very important for the owners of bodybuilding

((Part I))

Training on the construction ((bodybuilding))
- When you go to any gym and had a look at its members and then return a year later, you'll notice that most of them still uses the same weights that were used during your first visit, why? Because most players
bodybuilding programs are wasting their time and exercise the usual traditional
- If connected to a muscle building exercise is common, there will be a huge number of players bodybuilding.

- It seems that there are some things wrong in the program to be followed by players bodybuilding.
- Since most people are creating obstacles in their way, they hold the way of achieving goals (building muscle, gaining strength)

- These are called "players bodybuilding tough" does not mean that the exercise six times a week for three
hours, but mean something completely different.

- The Mikhalq a bodybuilder is to create a solid right to a reasonable program and its implementation without weakness and for long periods. Here because the player must have a strong determination, discipline, ambition, perseverance.
- Players must forget the "give up" program (Master Olympia) endless, and the focus on rules that would not exist without the body of steel.

- We must follow the terms of these factors are essential to the success of the exercises.
- But what is the role played by steroids?
- Simply put: The bodybuilder who use steroids will achieve better results and faster than their colleagues who use natural materials.
- And will also achieve a higher stage of improvement of what you will be without abuse medical vehicles.

- The stupid argument that says you will achieve the same amount of muscle mass without doping and that it takes a longer time only. Is absurd propaganda by the authors "book" that like to obliterate the truth.
- Read the following lines with an open mind and try to adapt this information to the extent of your needs:
High intensity exercise: -

- The human organ categorically rejects any change is necessary as they are in a better position in the sleep state, "the tendency to sleep"
- Members and out of this situation must make efforts, and the signal needed by the body to build muscle and gain strength through exercise can cause acute and intense.
- And must consist of this exercise, relatively few sessions and sessions of five to eight enough to build big muscles, and three to four sessions, enough to build small muscles.
Exercise of the relatively few sessions: -

- The body of two different types of muscle fibers, as the inflation muscle fibers occurs in twitch rapid muscle fibers of the second type, the exercises bodybuilding should be improved so that these seizures have occurred, and for this purpose (the frequencies from 6 to 10 event) is sufficient .
Exercise with weights on top: -
- In order to build muscle you must challenge these players can be achieved by increasing the bodybuilder to the weights during the exercises.
- The more muscle power, the greater the strength of their appearance, there is no muscle strength.
- The basic exercises such as cotton, punch pressure BENCH PRESSES pressure behind the neck, kayaking.

Adequate rest periods: -
- Muscle is stimulated during exercise, but grow only during the crumbs comfort The more density the greater the damage to muscle cells, and the more rest periods
- When adequately trained, one a moderate intensity, it can not train every day but should be active muscle twice a week.
- Before learning to accept the rest as an important factor for the success of the exercise.
- Every day in the gym training should be followed by a full day of rest.
- The players bodybuilding who want to gain maximum muscle and strength should Amrnoa each muscle separately every day 7-8 days.

Plateau and the stage of the exercise: -
- The body can be put under maximum pressure for a limited period, and if this time is exceeded depends improvement, and if the player's performance at least.
- For this reason, VGN intensity and length of training must be changed every 12 to 14 a week, and must be the player to enjoy a few days without exercise and then change to the program for several weeks "Plateau Training"

- The following program of training takes into account all the key factors necessary for the construction of rapid strength and muscle mass. Accompanied nutrition tips can increase its impact, depending on the high density, this program is not geared for players bodybuilding natural "are dependent on natural ways." This program is just a suggestion and can change it also wants each player to coincide with Ttlebatth as long as all the principles converged.

Table exercises

Training workshop for eight days * day training and a day of rest

Day One: Bench and Baaseibes

Punch-level exercise (Exercise 1)

3 Exercises

6 to 8 times

Exercise punch slash (I 2)


6 to 8 times

Exercise Baldambalz Bey (v 6)


8 to 10 times

T exercise Balbar Bey (v 8)

3 Exercises

6 to 10 times

Exercise Bey cable (I 2)


6 to 10 times

Third day: the muscles of the man the front and rear

Balbar pressure on the man (v 15)

3 Exercises

6 to 10 times

Muscle exercise for the front man (v 18)


8 to 10 times

Background muscle exercise for men (v 17)


8 to 10 times

Fifth day: the muscles of the shoulder and Turaaseibes

Balbar pressure behind the neck (v 11)

3 Exercises

6 to 8 times

Balbar pressure to the front shoulder muscle (v 15)


8 to 10 times

Shoulder flap of the background (I 1)


8 to 10 times

Turaaseibes external muscles (I 1)

3 Exercises

6 to 10 times

Exercise muscle Turaaseibes cable (I 2)


8 to 10 times

Seventh day: the back and calf muscles

Exercise Almjns individual (v 10)

3 Exercises

8 to 10 times

Exercise your back upper clouds (T 11)


8 to 10 times

Exercise your back ground clouds (T 14)


6 to 10 times

Calf muscle exercise device upper (v 8)


6 to 10 times

Calf muscle exercise device of the sitting position (I 2)

3 Exercises

8 to 12 times

Exercise calf muscles Balbar (v 5)


8 to 12 times

- Note:
- The days of exercise are equal: for example, today, bending, IV, VI, is a full days rest.
- The periods between meetings must be different weights, but not on machines.
- And should exercise every muscle Amfirdha every eight days.
- It is important to continue the meeting until the failure of the muscle and that means the player's inability to do any other meetings. In this case, the relatively few sessions and rest periods longer justified.
- And muscle cells must be placed in the case of oxidation because the effect of the anti-doping Xdh completed at this stage
- Gunn Kthah exercise required can be achieved if the player after the start of the period of heating is simple to carry the heaviest weight possible and then decreases in the weights of each subsequent meeting due to loss of body strength in order to obtain the desired result.
- To avoid any ill Tahm We would like to quickly explain this principle through the example: -
- A bodybuilder can perform a maximum of six sessions for 300 pounds in the drill pressure punch.


The first issue shows the hearings

The second number indicates the weight

The first heating period



The second heating period



Third heating period



The first exercise session



The second exercise session



The third exercise session


- The first meeting of the heating distribution of blood in the muscles.
- And are the second and third as the approach of the weight of the first session of exercise.
- Is to stimulate interaction between the muscle and nerves, and this means that the bodybuilder feels heavy weights without losing "wasted" energy and power
- Chest exercises during the course of the following sessions are deleted heating College and this means that it is necessary for the exercise only the first.

- Do not forget that one should try to add a session or two during each exercise session, or greater than the previous exercise to increase the weights exercises in the following weeks.
- Tired of this struggle Aziadh sessions and weight is the only way the body is enormous.
- And always remember the heavy weights build large muscles


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These substances contained in tea is very easily oxidized. When the leaves are exposed to sunlight, the oxidation process occurs. The type of tea that is generally known in the community is a green tea, Oolong tea (such as Java tea Oolung / Ulung), black tea and white tea. Green tea contains the most helpful as in brewing, this tea is not dried using sunlight but use special drying techniques. While other types of tea are processed by fermentation.

Polyphenols in tea such as catechins and flavanols. These compounds act as antioxidants to capture free radicals in the body are also effective in preventing the growth of cancer cells in the body. Free radicals in our bodies due to environmental air pollution and also from the food we eat.

Vitamin E
In one cup of tea contains vitamin E as much as about 100-200 IU a day which is a necessity for the human body. This amount serves to maintain heart health and make your skin smooth.

Vitamin C
This vitamin serves as an immunity or resistance to the human body. In addition, vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant necessary for the human body's resistance to disease.

Vitamin A
Vitamin A which is in the form of beta-carotene tea is a vitamin that the body needs can be met.