Monday, April 18, 2011

Tea is Good for Brain

A cup of tea is good for the brain, because they can slow down cell damage and keep your memory sharp in old age.

Studies for a period of four years, scientists in Singapore adds a long list of benefits of tea. Each type of tea will provide the same benefits, says Professor Ng Tze Pin from the Department of Medicine for Mental Health National University of Singapore told The Sunday Times.

"Tea is cheap, non-toxic and it is always consumed by the public," said Ng.

" University scientists discovered tea catechin, natural compounds that protects brain cells from forming protein damage over the years, that support the ability of brain cognitive. Caffeine in tea, unlike that found in coffee contains natural protein teanina on side effects of caffeine, such as high blood pressure, headaches and fatigue, according to scientists.

Damage brain cells, caused by a combination of loss of nerve cells, the influence of genes, a mild stroke, and increased levels of protein damage, sometimes causing patients with dementia (a disease of cognitive dysfunction in the brain from damage due to aging or other serious illness), the report said.

The team of scientists is studying the habits of drinking tea of 2,501 Chinese people aged 55 and above from September 2003 to December 2005.

Health of patients, observation period, the language used and the respondents observed spatial abilities. their habit of drinking tea also monitored. Approximately 38 % did not drink tea. 29% drank only one type of tea and the rest drank various types of tea. Two-thirds of the tea drinkers maintain its value in memory tests two years later. Among non-tea drinkers, 35 % have seen an average decline in value of two points, which shows the data of cognitive decline

Tea is a special factor that keeps brain cells healthy. However, it can not be created simply by drinking tea. " it also requires a good habits in life  and a balanced diet ", said Ng.


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These substances contained in tea is very easily oxidized. When the leaves are exposed to sunlight, the oxidation process occurs. The type of tea that is generally known in the community is a green tea, Oolong tea (such as Java tea Oolung / Ulung), black tea and white tea. Green tea contains the most helpful as in brewing, this tea is not dried using sunlight but use special drying techniques. While other types of tea are processed by fermentation.

Polyphenols in tea such as catechins and flavanols. These compounds act as antioxidants to capture free radicals in the body are also effective in preventing the growth of cancer cells in the body. Free radicals in our bodies due to environmental air pollution and also from the food we eat.

Vitamin E
In one cup of tea contains vitamin E as much as about 100-200 IU a day which is a necessity for the human body. This amount serves to maintain heart health and make your skin smooth.

Vitamin C
This vitamin serves as an immunity or resistance to the human body. In addition, vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant necessary for the human body's resistance to disease.

Vitamin A
Vitamin A which is in the form of beta-carotene tea is a vitamin that the body needs can be met.