Monday, April 11, 2011

Special White Tea Health Benefits

White tea is really a tea and doesn't refer to 'black' tea with milk! It is in reality black tea, which is fermented green tea, but it's all quite perplexing!It is produced by a plant labeled camellia sinensis which is also identified as the tea plant. It is from the fine white 'hairs' on the tiny closed buds of the plant, which it gets its name from. White tea health benefits are many and varied.

China produces most of the white tea and has a long history, particularly in the Sung Dynasty which existed between 900AD to 1200AD. It certainly looks unique but it also has a slightly sweet, delicate flavor and therefore an extremely pleasant taste. Just like green tea, it is not fermented and it is quite pure. There are several varieties: White Peony has twice the amount of leaves as buds but the most famous Silver Needles only contains buds picked within two days early in spring.

Our world is getting smaller and smaller, which is why even in North America people are getting to know and value its unique flavor and health giving properties.
There are some of the amazing white tea health benefits.
- It can decrease cholesterol
- Can lower blood pressure
- It has antioxidants that help prevent disease
- Promotes healthy teeth and gums
- Is good for overall bone health
- It has antiviral and antibacterial properties
- It's good for your skin
- May help reduce blood sugar

In fact some toothpaste have white tea in them, for example, Aquafresh, Crest and Colgate, to name a few. This is due to the fact that it can help the health of your gums and even help prevent caries. Also it has more antiviral and antibacterial properties than even green tea.

Next time you want a nice cuppa, think about trying this tea.There are many white tea health benefits as well as its uniqueness and special taste. You can visit some of the numerous tea websites online and find more information as well as being able to order it and have it sent to your home.

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These substances contained in tea is very easily oxidized. When the leaves are exposed to sunlight, the oxidation process occurs. The type of tea that is generally known in the community is a green tea, Oolong tea (such as Java tea Oolung / Ulung), black tea and white tea. Green tea contains the most helpful as in brewing, this tea is not dried using sunlight but use special drying techniques. While other types of tea are processed by fermentation.

Polyphenols in tea such as catechins and flavanols. These compounds act as antioxidants to capture free radicals in the body are also effective in preventing the growth of cancer cells in the body. Free radicals in our bodies due to environmental air pollution and also from the food we eat.

Vitamin E
In one cup of tea contains vitamin E as much as about 100-200 IU a day which is a necessity for the human body. This amount serves to maintain heart health and make your skin smooth.

Vitamin C
This vitamin serves as an immunity or resistance to the human body. In addition, vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant necessary for the human body's resistance to disease.

Vitamin A
Vitamin A which is in the form of beta-carotene tea is a vitamin that the body needs can be met.